Meet Jamaican Tamar Hamilton Candidate for Broward County Judge

Meet Jamaican Tamar Hamilton Candidate for Broward County Judge
Attorney Tamar Hamilton is married to Gregory Hamilton, and the couple has two children, daughter Shaneil and son Gregory II.  She is the leading attorney and founder of the Law Office of Tamar N. Hamilton, P.A.  Her journey to the practice of law began when she earned a Bachelor of Arts, in Interdisciplinary Studies Arts and Humanities, from Florida Atlantic University, in Boca Raton, Florida, with emphasis in the areas of communication and writing.

Ms. Hamilton later received her Juris Doctorate degree with honors from St. Thomas University School of Law in Miami Gardens, Florida, where she presently serves as an Adjunct Law Professor.  With her desire to impact as many lives as possible with the knowledge and experiences she gained, Ms. Hamilton returned to Jamaica, and achieved the Legal Certificate (Law School Degree) at the Norman Manley Law School, Jamaica, W.I., allowing her entrance to practice law in the 21 Eastern Caribbean Islands.  She is a practicing attorney in Jamaica, and has been connecting Floridians with legal resources and services in Jamaica, with the hope of building the confidence of the Jamaican Community in the Jamaican Legal System. 

Ms. Hamilton has gained invaluable experience in Estate Planning, Wills and Probate, as wells as Property Law, including, Real Estate Transactional and litigation matters, including but not limited to Mortgage Foreclosure, Quiet Title Actions, Contract Law and Business Transactions.  She continues to serve the community, connecting people to valuable resources, and being a role model. She believes we must lead by first becoming the example of what we want to see.

Her professional affiliations include:

The Florida Bar
General Legal Council of Jamaica
T.J. Reddick Bar Association
Broward Christian Lawyers Bar Association
Jamaican-American Bar Association.

Ms. Hamilton is passionate about serving. As an adjunct Professor at St. Thomas University School of Law, she not only teaches, but serves as a mentor to her students. This passion to guide, inspire and motivate those she meets is the driving force behind all her pursuits.  Her philosophy is that each person has a treasure that lies deep within them, waiting to be discovered; once the treasure is discovered people will begin to live an enriched and fulfilling life.

She is now a candidate for Broward County Court Judge, here in Broward County, Florida.  She has a Final Election that begins August 10th – August 20th, 2024.


I was born and raised in Jamaica.  At 6 years old, my mother relocated from St. Elizabeth to Kingston where I attended Constant Springs All Age School from grades 1 to grades 7.  The struggle was real, and I remembered going to school many days without lunch.  Hoping that mommy would get a day’s job so I could look forward to dinner coming home. On many occasions mommy had to wait to collect her pay.  As a result, I had to stay home from school more often than I should.  So of course I did not pass any common entrance exams.  Many thought it was hopeless for me, and my mother’s wish that I would be come “something in life” was just false hope.


Things changed when I entered grade 7 and met Ms. MarvaHamilton, my 7th grade teacher.  The first time that I read for her, she took me to the Principals office and a few classrooms and had me read to them.  She was puzzled that a child who read so well did not pass any common entrance exams and no one took notice.  Ms. Hamilton took me under her wings – literally. She fed me lunch and would take me home to have dinner before I would go home to my mother.  Needless to say, I began to excel academically and was successful on the Technical Entrance Examination for St Andrew Technical High School. Ms. Hamilton saw to it that I was enrolled in high school, and had my first set of uniform, shoe, and necessary items to get started. Her words to me were: “Tamar, only God can stop you from succeeding in life, go and be the best you can be and have great success.”


This statement from Ms. Hamilton has been a candle light in my spirit that keeps me going. The story doesn’t end there and I look forward to sharing more, so others can be encouraged to never give up.  I must say thanks to Mrs. Carole Powell who was the Principal at St. Andrew Technical High School when I graduated. I had not direction or guidance and she, like Ms. Hamilton said “No way!  I must do something.”  That’s another story of love, hope and success.


My people, I look forward to sharing more about this my journey through life.